Finicity is part of the Mastercard family. Our open banking platform provides the financial data you need.

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How to Dispute Information in Your Finicity Report

If you believe your Finicity Consumer Report contains information that is incomplete, or inaccurate, you can submit a dispute through any of the channels listed below. There is no fee to submit a dispute to Finicity. You may also be able to dispute information you believe is inaccurate or incomplete directly with the source of that information, such as your financial institution.

Telephone: You may submit a dispute by calling 1-855-263-3072, option 1.

When you submit your dispute, you will be asked to confirm your identity.

What to Include in your Dispute

When you submit a dispute to Finicity, you should specifically identify the information which you believe is inaccurate or incomplete and provide a description of the basis for your dispute. Please note generated reports only contain information from your account over a specific time frame. Any changes to your connected account outside of this time frame will not reflect in your report. Please reference the time frame on your report under “Transaction Data By Account.”

Be prepared to provide name, address, phone number, report ID, and a detailed description of your dispute. The report ID will be found in the upper right-hand corner of your report. Submissions lacking this information may not be able to be resolved. Some prepopulated options will be instantly available for you in our Consumer Portal and mail submission form.

You may include or upload relevant supporting documents, such as bank statements, to assist us with investigating your dispute. When submitting disputes by mail, do not send original documentation. Finicity will not be able to return them to you.

Timing of the Dispute Process

We will investigate your dispute in the time frame required by law. Generally, this means that we will complete our investigation no later than 30 calendar days after receipt. This time may be extended if we need additional information from you.

What to Expect from the Dispute Process

If we conclude that the disputed information is incorrect, incomplete, or unverifiable, we will correct it or delete it as necessary. Once investigation is complete, you will receive a letter containing the results, and when applicable, a corrected report. This will be sent by mail to the address you provided during dispute submission.

You can view your dispute submission details at any time by logging into the Consumer Portal here. For any questions, you may call 1-855-263-3072, option 1.

Certain open banking solutions are provided by Finicity, a Mastercard company.